your first visit
Here at Barefoot Chiropractic, we want to make sure that your first visit is as relaxing and informative as possible. We want to ensure that when you leave, you do not have any questions. It is our goal to get you to feel excited about the progress that you have already made.

Many people visit the Chiropractor for the first time because they are experiencing pain in different areas of their body. Some people also visit us because they want to begin a preventive care plan to ensure that they stay healthy.

We understand the body and how it works. During your first visit, we will spend some time talking so that you can explain any pain that you have. We may feel around the painful areas to get a better sense of what is going on. We may send you to get X-rays in order to get a better look at your spine, though they are not always needed.

We truly believe that pain is often the result of something in our body being out of alignment. If the joints don’t work properly the associated tissues will respond in order to protect the body. The body is designed to work perfectly and heal itself. Chiropractic works with the body to restore healing naturally. We want you to be the best version of yourself !!!

Our goal is to help you to feel better (and stay that way) as quickly as possible. It is possible to live a life without pain.

We want you to LIVE (not exist) the rest of your life !!!

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If you want to live without pain or have any questions about your first visit, contact us today.